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Join Marvin on an exploration of Ireland’s wetlands.

marvel marvel marvel
To log your wetland finds, click on “Record your sightings” button - this will bring you to a page where you can fill out what you saw, and when and where in Ireland you saw them, as well as your own name – these are the four key parts of a scientific record – and your data will be used to help us keep Ireland’s habitats safe!
Record your wetland sightings

Micro Beasts

Banded demoiselle
Banded Demoiselle
Scientific Name:

Calopteryx splendens

Irish Name:

Brídeog bhandach

Orange Tip Butterfly
Orange Tip Butterfly
Scientific Name:

Anthocharis cardamines

Irish Name:

Barr buí

Great Diving Beetle
Great Diving Beetle
Scientific Name:

Dytiscus marginalis

Irish Name:

Tumadóir mór

Pond Skater
Pond Skater
Scientific Name:

Gerris lacustris

Irish Name:

Scinnire locháin


Yellow Flag
Yellow Flag Iris
Scientific Name:

Iris pseudacorus

Irish Name:


Ragged Robin
Ragged Robin
Scientific Name:

Lychnis flos-cuculi

Irish Name:

Lus Síoda

Reed Mace
Reed Mace
Scientific Name:

Typha latifolia

Irish Name:

Coigeal na mban sí

Common Reed
Common Reed
Scientific Name:

Phragmites australis

Irish Name:



Mute Swan
Mute Swan
Scientific Name:

Cygnus olor

Irish Name:

Eala bhalbh

Scientific Name:

Vanellus vanellus

Irish Name:


Grey Heron
Grey Heron
Scientific Name:

Ardea cinerea

Irish Name:

Corr réisc

Scientific Name:

Alcedo atthis

Irish Name:


Four-legged Animals

Common Frog
Common Frog
Scientific Name:

Rana temporaria

Irish Name:


Tadpole (Baby frog)
Tadpole (Baby frog)
Scientific Name:

Rana temporaria

Irish Name:


Smooth Newt
Smooth Newt
Scientific Name:

Lissotriton vulgaris

Irish Name:

Earc Coiteann

Scientific Name:

Lutra lutra

Irish Name:

Madra uisce

Record your wetland sightings
Wetland Detectives is part of Puffin Rock Habitats, an educational partnership between Cartoon Saloon and the Heritage Council.
For more information visit www.puffinrockhabitats.com
NBDC logo
The National Biodiversity Data Centre helps everyone learn more about the different kinds of plants and animals in Ireland. They collect and share information so we can know more and help take care of all the living things in our country